How to Turn a Magazine Into a Valentine’s Day “Card”

MagMaker / February 12, 2015

Got someone who’s always on your mind? Make them a magazine this Valentine’s Day. It’s a one-of-a-kind “card” that the object of your affections can follow and enjoy anywhere. And anytime you add to it, your sweetheart will get a notification and think of you! Here are a few ways to flip yourself into someone’s heart:

1. Collect articles for your sweetie to read. What’s your significant other interested in? Start by searching for topics around your partner’s interests. Use the “Flip It” button on the Web (or the [+] inside Flipboard) to flip articles you think (s)he’d enjoy into a magazine. You can also invite the person to be a contributor to the magazine and—bingo!—you have another shared interest/activity.

2. Create a magazine homage to the person. Make your love the star of a magazine. Flip in sweet messages and memorable photos from trips, romantic dinners and other good times. You can flip in photos stored locally on your device and/or connect Flipboard to platforms like Facebook and Instagram and share from there. You can even add a soundtrack to your magazine from SoundCloud. Then go to to rearrange the items to tell a story. Don’t forget to set a beautiful cover, give your magazine a good title and description, and when you’re ready, share.

3. Send a message that can’t be ignored. Inspire your love to please you by sharing exactly what you want for the next special occasion or where you want to go on vacation. Or maybe you just want to hold up a mirror to your loved one and show him that he needs to be a little more tidy around the house. Ah, love!

Finally, remember that Flipboard magazines are public by default. If you would like to make your magazine private, slide the “Let everyone see my magazine” toggle to the left on mobile or check “make this magazine private” on the Web.

How will you show your love on Flipboard? Tell us by tweeting @FlipboardMag.

~MiaQ is reading “PLANET PUGGLE