This Week’s Essential Reads
Inside Flipboard / November 6, 2011

The people have spoken! This weekend, dive in to the “The Flipboard 5,†the stories, galleries and videos that were the most popular on Flipboard over the past seven days. Read all the articles in one section by tapping here or flip on for the full roundup, which includes the most perfect pies of the season, the scariest use of an iPad ever, and dramatic photos of the natural world.

Halloween articles kept popping up like an army of zombies this week, but this piece of iPad wizardry was among the most shared. Your eyes won’t believe what Simon Pierro can do in this truly modern horror story. For more from Mashable, tap here.

Bon Appetit’s Flipboard section recently got a top-to-bottom makeover, including all-new recipe pages and sharper photos. This 25-page gallery of perfect pies for fall is the ideal way to start planning the menu for Thanksgiving dinner. For more from Bon Appetit, tap here.

Be proactive. That’s the key to success — and main message of this guest post from James Altucher, an entrepreneur, programmer, and author of six books on investing. For more from TechCrunch, tap here.

Over 10,000 pictures from photographers in 105 countries were submitted to this year’s Environmental Photographer of the Year contest — and these are the winners. For more from National Geographic, tap here.

This rustic abode belongs to Japanese denizens Setsumasa and Mami Kobayashi and is located two and a half hours northwest of Tokyo. It’s quite possibly the coolest country house you’ll ever see. For more from Dwell, tap here.